Third Edition - Volume 19 by Journeysongs

Year: 2012
Label: OCP
1. | | Sing of the Lord's Goodness (add lyrics) - Ernest Sands |
2. | | He Is the Lord (add lyrics) - David Haas |
3. | | Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens (add lyrics) - Ludwig van Beethoven, Edward Osler, Edward Hodges, Owen Alstott, Randall DeBruyn |
4. | | Praise to the Lord (add lyrics) - Joachim Neander, Robert E. Kreutz, Catherine Winkworth |
5. | | Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven (add lyrics) - John Goss, Henry F. Lyte, Robert E. Kreutz |
6. | | God, Whose Love Is Reigning O'er Us (add lyrics) - John Goss, William Boyd Grove |
7. | | Shout to the Lord (add lyrics) - Darlene Zschech |
8. | | O God Beyond All Praising (add lyrics) - Gustav T. Holst, Michael A. Perry, Jeffrey Honore |
9. | | Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above (add lyrics) - Johann A. Schulz, Frances E. Cox |
10. | | Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir |
11. | | Sing a New Song (add lyrics) - Grayson Warren Brown, Val Parker, Larry Adams |
12. | | Lift up Your Hearts (add lyrics) - Roc O'Connor, S.J., Bob Dufford, S.J., John Weissrock |
13. | | Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (add lyrics) - Walter C. Smith |
14. | | Sing a Joyful Song (add lyrics) - Jim Farrell, Randall DeBruyn, Craig Kingsbury |
15. | | Alle, Alle, Alleluia (add lyrics) - Richard Ho Lung MOP, Jon Williams, Wynton Williams |
16. | | Laudate, Laudate Dominum (add lyrics) - Christopher Walker |
17. | | Sing a New Song (add lyrics) - Dan Schutte, Dolores M. Hruby, Jeffrey Honore |
18. | | Halleluya! We Sing Your Praises (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir |
19. | | Abba, Father (add lyrics) - Carey Landry |
20. | | When in Our Music (add lyrics) - Fred Pratt Green, Randall DeBruyn, Charles Stanford |
21. | | Grateful (add lyrics) - Tom Tomaszek, Scott Soper |
22. | | Now Thank We All Our God (add lyrics) - Johann Crager, Martin Rinkart, Robert E. Kreutz, Randall DeBruyn |
23. | | All My Days (add lyrics) - Dan Schutte, Theophane Hytrek OSF, J-Glenn Murray SJ |
24. | | Thanks Be to God (add lyrics) - Stephen Dean |
25. | | Come, Ye Thankful People, Come (add lyrics) - George J. Elvey, Henry Alford |
26. | | Sing to the Lord of Harvest (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir |
27. | | Let All Things Now Living (add lyrics) - Katherine K. Davis |
28. | | For the Beauty of the Earth (add lyrics) - Conrad Kocher, Folliot S. Pierpoint |
29. | | Give Thanks to the Lord (add lyrics) - Dan Schutte |
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