Third Edition - Volume 20 by Journeysongs

Year: 2012
Label: OCP
1. | | All Good Gifts (add lyrics) - Kevin Keil, Matthias Claudius |
2. | | God's Love Is Everlasting (add lyrics) - Tom Tomaszek |
3. | | Jubilate Deo (add lyrics) - Barbara Bridge |
4. | | How Great Thou Art (add lyrics) - Stuart K. Hine |
5. | | For the Fruits of This Creation (add lyrics) - Fred Pratt Green, Randall DeBruyn |
6. | | Oh, Who Can Know the Mind of God (add lyrics) - Genevieve Glen OSB |
7. | | Sacred Creation (add lyrics) - Rufino Zaragoza, OFM |
8. | | I Sing the Mighty Power of God (add lyrics) - Isaac Watts, Robert E. Kreutz, William H. Monk, Randall DeBruyn |
9. | | Word of God, You Spoke Creation (add lyrics) - Gael Berberick, Barney Walker, Jennifer Glen CCVI |
10. | | All the Earth (add lyrics) - Lucien Deiss, CSSp |
11. | | If God Is for Us (add lyrics) - Grayson Warren Brown |
12. | | Like a Shepherd (add lyrics) - Bob Dufford, S.J. |
13. | | I Have Loved You (add lyrics) - Michael Joncas |
14. | | Your Grace Is Enough (add lyrics) - Matt Maher |
15. | | Lord of Glory (add lyrics) - Tim Manion, Theophane Hytrek OSF |
16. | | Come to the Water (add lyrics) - John Foley, S.J. |
17. | | Rain Down (add lyrics) - Jaime Cortez, Tom Kendzia, Craig Kingsbury |
18. | | Isaiah 49 (add lyrics) - Carey Landry, Louise Anderson, Therese Edell |
19. | | We Are the Light of the World (add lyrics) - Jean Anthony Greif |
20. | | I Am the Light of the World (add lyrics) - Greg Hayakawa |
21. | | Your Light Will Come, Jerusalem (add lyrics) - Bob Hurd |
22. | | I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light (add lyrics) - Kathleen Thomerson |
23. | | God Is Light (add lyrics) - Gregory Norbet |
24. | | O Radiant Light (add lyrics) - William G. Storey |
25. | | We Are Marching (Siyahamba) (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir |
26. | | Lord of the Dance (add lyrics) - Sydney B. Carter, Randall DeBruyn |
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