Glory & Praise - Third Edition, Vol. 26 by Various Artists

Album Details

Glory & Praise - Third Edition, Vol. 26
by Various Artists

Year: 2016
Label: OCP

Tags: glory & praise

1. Give Thanks to the Lord (add lyrics) - Dan Schutte
2. Meadows and Mountains (add lyrics) - Dan Schutte
3. Come, Ye Thankful People, Come (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir
4. All Good Gifts (add lyrics) - Kevin Keil
5. Now Thank We All Our God (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir
6. For the Beauty of the Earth (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir
7. Let All Things Now Living (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir
8. All My Days (add lyrics) - Dan Schutte & J-G. Murray
9. Grateful (add lyrics) - Tom Tomaszek
10. Like Cedars (add lyrics) - Dan Schutte
11. Alabare / O Come and Sing (add lyrics) - Manuel Jose Alonso, Jose Pagan
12. Come, Christians, Join to Sing (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir
13. All the Ends of the Earth (add lyrics) - Bob Dufford
14. Alle, Alle, Alleluia (add lyrics) - Richard Ho Lung
15. All Creatures of Our God and King (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir
16. Been so Busy (add lyrics) - Grayson Warren Brown
17. Abba! Father (add lyrics) - Carey Landry
18. Blessed by Your Sacrifice (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir
19. From All That Dwell Below the Skies / Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir
20. God, We Praise You (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir
21. Hallelujah Is Our Song (add lyrics) - Sarah Kroger, Sarah Hart, Josh Blakesley, Trey Heffinger
22. Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir
23. Sing to the Mountains (add lyrics) - Bob Dufford
24. Glory and Praise to Our God (add lyrics) - Dan Schutte
25. I Will Rejoice (add lyrics) - Grayson Warren Brown
26. Lift up Your Hearts (add lyrics) - Roc O'Connor
27. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir

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