My Statement of Faith by Greater Vision

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Welcome Back by Greater Vision

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My Statement of Faith
by Greater Vision

Album: Welcome Back

I believe that God is sovereign over all
And He alone is worthy of our praise
Father, Spirit, Son, the Holy Three in one
He reigns no matter what the world may say
Surely time has come for us to take a stand
To hold to our convictions without shame
Opposes to the faith abound on every hand
But the gospel must be fearlessly proclaimed

I believe that Jesus is the Holy Son of God
He came to earth to live a perfect life
I believe He bled and died upon a cruel cross
And there He made the greatest sacrifice
I believe He rose again and that He lives today
And soon He's coming back to earth again
More than just a creed, this is what I believe
Jesus is the only way
This is my statement of faith

I believe the Bible is the Word of God
Given to the world to show the way
No room for compromise on its trustworthiness
It's here for us to follow and obey
There are absolutes that cannot be denied
And what is true forever shall remain
I made my choice to live for Christ the crucified
The living one who is the only way

I believe that Jesus is the Holy Son of God
He came to earth to live a perfect life
I believe He bled and died upon a cruel cross
And there He made the greatest sacrifice
I believe He rose again and that He lives today
And soon He's coming back to earth again
More than just a creed, this is what I believe
Jesus is the only way
This is my statement of faith

I believe there is one true God
And Jesus Christ is His Holy Son
That He is the Living Word
And that by Him and thru Him
All things were made
I believe He was conceived by the Holy Spirit
And born of the Virgin Mary
He lived a sinless life
Healed the sick, gave sight to the blind
And brought the dead back to life
I believe in the cross
That Jesus, God's sacrificial Lamb
Shedding His blood, was crucified
As an atonement for the sins of all the world
And whoever believes in Him
Will not parish but have everlasting life
I believe in the resurrection
That on the third day He rose from the tomb
Conquering death, hell and the grave
And today He sits at the right hand of the Father
And that because He lives, we shall live also
I believe in the church
A harbor for souls where God is glorified
Saints are edified, grace is multiplied
And mercy is magnified
I believe in the Holy Spirit
Who lives within all who are saved
By grace by faith
He is our Comforter, our Friend, and our Guide
I believe that one day Jesus will come again
To claim His own and prove once and for all
That He is the King of kings and Lord of Lords

I believe He rose again and that He lives today
And soon He's coming back to earth again
More than just a creed, this is what I believe
Jesus is the only way
This is my statement of faith
My statement of faith

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