Jesus Made A Believer Out of Me by Kingdom Heirs

Song Lyrics

True to the Call by Kingdom Heirs

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Jesus Made A Believer Out of Me
by Kingdom Heirs

Album: True to the Call

Verse 1
Since I met the Savior at the old rugged cross
Life has never been the same for me
He took away the sin and all the sorrow it caused
He changed the wretched man I used to be
Now my yesterdays are gone and Heaven's waiting up ahead
I know He'll never leave me cause that's what the Bible said
Since I met Him'. Oh, I want to testify Jesus made a believer
out of me

Oh, since I met Him'. I'm not the man I used to be
He taught me how to love and how to live
And since I let Him into this heart of mine
I have the peace and joy that only knowing God can give
He took me from the road to hell and turned my steps around
He changed my whole direction and now I'm heaven bound
Oh since I met Him'. I'm not the man I used to be
Jesus made a believer out of me

Verse 2
Saul of Tarsus met Him on Damascus Road
A women drew Him water from a well
A blind man got his healing on the road to Jericho
What a story all of these could tell
I know just how they felt when they encountered Him one day
When He saves your soul He takes your doubt and fear away
Since I met Him I want to testify
Jesus made a believer out of me.

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