Seasons and Reasons by Roger Jones, Timothy Dudley-Smith

Album Details

Seasons and Reasons
by Roger Jones, Timothy Dudley-Smith

Year: 2011
Label: Roger Jones

 Disc 1
1. All my soul to God I raise (add lyrics)
2. As Water to the Thirsty (add lyrics)
3. Be strong in the Lord (add lyrics)
4. Born by the Holy Spirit's breathe (add lyrics)
5. Come, let us praise the Lord (add lyrics)
6. Donkey plod and Mary ride (add lyrics)
7. Faith and Truth and Life Bestowing (add lyrics)
8. For God my spirit longs (add lyrics)
9. Freely, For the Love He Bears Us (add lyrics)
10. From Life's Bright Dawn to Eventide (add lyrics)
11. Heavenly Hosts In Ceaseless Worship (add lyrics)
12. Heaven's Throne Ascending (add lyrics)
13. How great our God's majestic name! (add lyrics)
14. How Shall They Hear Who Have Not Heard? (add lyrics)
15. How Silent Waits the Listening Earth (add lyrics)
16. In Christ is all I need (add lyrics)
 Disc 2
17. Jesus my breath, my life, my Lord (add lyrics)
18. Lord and Father, faith bestowing (add lyrics)
19. Lord Jesus, born a tiny child (add lyrics)
20. Lord of Our Lives, Our Birth and Breath (add lyrics)
21. Lord, When the Storms of Life Arise (add lyrics)
22. O Christ the same, through all our story's pages (add lyrics)
23. O come to me, the Master said (add lyrics)
24. Peace Be Yours and Dreamless Slumber (add lyrics)
25. Praise the Lord and bless his name (add lyrics)
26. Take, O Child, the gift that I bring (add lyrics)
27. The everlasting Lord is King (add lyrics)
28. The glory of our God and King (add lyrics)
29. We believe in God the Father (add lyrics)
30. We Come With Songs of Blessing (add lyrics)
31. When to our world the Saviour came (add lyrics)
32. Within a Crib (add lyrics)

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