Be Still, My Soul - Traditional Christian Hymns and Spirituals by Various Artists
Year: 2014
Label: Celebration Sounds
1. | | Amazing Grace - Judy Collins |
2. | | Be Still, My Soul (add lyrics) - John McCarthy Chorus |
3. | | We Gather Together to Ask the Lord's Blessing (add lyrics) - The Sunset Choir |
4. | | The Lord's Prayer (add lyrics) - Dr. H. Vincent Mitzelfelt Orchestra |
5. | | Sweet Hour of Prayer (add lyrics) - Jack Halloran Male Chorus |
6. | | Blessed Assurance (add lyrics) - Old Village Choir |
7. | | (There'll Be) Peace in the Valley (For Me) (add lyrics) - Mike Sammes Singers |
8. | | God of Our Fathers (add lyrics) - Don Hustad Chorale, NBC Orchestra of Chicago |
9. | | O Worship the King (add lyrics) - The Fireside Singers |
10. | | Abide with Me (add lyrics) - Don Hustad Chorale, NBC Orchestra of Chicago |
11. | | Near the Cross (add lyrics) - Old Village Choir |
12. | | Now Thank We All Our God (add lyrics) - J. Mark Taylor, The Larry Dalton Singers |
13. | | Love Lifted Me (add lyrics) - Old Village Choir |
14. | | I Need Thee Every Hour (add lyrics) - The Nathan Scott Singers |
15. | | What a Friend We Have in Jesus (add lyrics) - Old Village Choir |
16. | | When Morning Gilds the Skies (add lyrics) - The Larry Dalton Chorale |
17. | | Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (add lyrics) - The Ambrosian Singers, The David Firman Orchestra |
18. | | Deep River (add lyrics) - Betty Allen, The Robert Mandell Chorus |
19. | | He's Got the Whole World in His Hands (add lyrics) - The Blackstone Family Singers |
20. | | Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (add lyrics) - Sky Pilot Choir, Doris Akers |
21. | | Go Down Moses (add lyrics) - Doris Akers, Sky Pilot Choir |
22. | | Go Tell It on the Mountain (add lyrics) - The Hymnus Octet |
23. | | This Little Light of Mine (add lyrics) - The Robinsons |
24. | | Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen (add lyrics) - Doris Akers, Sky Pilot Choir |
25. | | A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (add lyrics) - Dr. H. Vincent Mitzelfelt Orchestra |
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