Lectionary Psalms, Vol. 2 by William Ferris Chorale

Year: 2013
Label: World Library Publications
1. | | God Mounts His Throne to Shouts of Joy: A Blare of Trumpets for the Lord. Psalm 47 (A047, B052, C052) (add lyrics) |
2. | | God, In Your Goodness, You Have Made a Home for the Poor. Psalm 68 (C082) (add lyrics) |
3. | | God's Love Is Everlasting. Psalm 136 Version 1 (A118, B123, C124) (add lyrics) |
4. | | God's Love Is Everlasting. Psalm 136 Version 2 (A118, B123, C124) (add lyrics) |
5. | | He Who Does Justice Will Live in the Presence of the Lord. Psalm 15 (C076) (add lyrics) |
6. | | Here Am I, Lord; I Come to Do Your Will. Psalm 40 (A091, B096, C097) (add lyrics) |
7. | | Here Am I, Lord; I Come to Do Your Will. Psalm 40 (A056, B061) (add lyrics) |
8. | | I Believe That I Shall See the Good Things of the Lord in the Land of the Living. Psalm 27 (A048) (add lyrics) |
9. | | I Love You, Lord, My Strength. Psalm 18 (A084, B090) (add lyrics) |
10. | | I Praise You for I Am Wonderfully Made. Psalm 139 (A093, B098, C099) (add lyrics) |
11. | | I Shall Live in the House of the Lord All the Days of My Life. Psalm 23 (A082) (add lyrics) |
12. | | I Turn to You, Lord, In Time of Trouble, And You Fill Me with the Joy of Salvation. Psalm 32 (B065) (add lyrics) |
13. | | I Will Bless the Lord at All Times. Psalm 34 (A124, B129, C130) (add lyrics) |
14. | | I Will Praise You, Lord, For You Have Rescued Me. Psalm 30 (A032, B037, B072, C037, C048, C069) (add lyrics) |
15. | | I Will Praise You, Lord, In the Assembly of Your People. Psalm 22 (B050) (add lyrics) |
16. | | I Will Praise Your Name for Ever, Lord. Psalm 145 (A105, B110, C111) (add lyrics) |
17. | | I Will Praise Your Name for Ever, My King and My God. Psalm 145 (C050) (add lyrics) |
18. | | I Will Praise Your Name for Ever, My King and My God. Psalm 145 (A068, C091) (add lyrics) |
19. | | I Will Praise Your Name for Ever, My King and My God. Psalm 145 (A129, B134, C135) (add lyrics) |
20. | | I Will Rise and Go to My Father. Psalm 51 (C084) (add lyrics) |
21. | | I Will Sing of Your Salvation. Psalm 71 (C063) (add lyrics) |
22. | | I Will Take the Cup of Salvation, And Call on the Name of the Lord. Psalm 116 (B058) (add lyrics) |
23. | | I Will Walk Before the Lord, In the Land of the Living. Psalm 116 (B019) (add lyrics) |
24. | | I Will Walk Before the Lord, In the Land of the Living. Psalm 116 (B083) (add lyrics) |
25. | | I Will Walk in the Presence of the Lord in the Land of the Living. Psalm 116 (A109, B114, C115) (add lyrics) |
26. | | If Today You Hear His Voice, Harden Not Your Hearts. Psalm 95 (A018, B021, C021, C087) (add lyrics) |
27. | | If Today You Hear His Voice, Harden Not Your Hearts. Psalm 95 (C078) (add lyrics) |
28. | | If Today You Hear His Voice, Harden Not Your Hearts. Psalm 95 (A126, B131, C132) (add lyrics) |
29. | | If Today You Hear His Voice, Harden Not Your Hearts. Psalm 95 (A077, B063) (add lyrics) |
30. | | In Every Age, O Lord, You Have Been Our Refuge. Psalm 90 (C083) (add lyrics) |
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