Lectionary Psalms, Vol. 4 by William Ferris Chorale

Album Details

Lectionary Psalms, Vol. 4
by William Ferris Chorale

Year: 2013
Label: World Library Publications

1. Lord, Send out Your Spirit, and Renew the Face of the Earth. Psalm 104 (A049, B054, C054) (add lyrics)
2. Lord, Send out Your Spirit, and Renew the Face of the Earth. Psalm 104 (A050, B055, C055) (add lyrics)
3. Lord, Send out Your Spirit, and Renew the Face of the Earth. Psalm 104 (A121, B126, C127) (add lyrics)
4. Lord, Show Us Your Mercy and Love. Psalm 85 (A112, B117, C118) (add lyrics)
5. Lord, This Is the People That Longs to See Your Face. Psalm 24 (A100, B105, C106) (add lyrics)
6. Lord, When Your Glory Appears, My Joy Will Be Full. Psalm 17 (C092) (add lyrics)
7. Lord, You Are Good and Forgiving. Psalm 86 (A070) (add lyrics)
8. Lord, You Have the Words of Everlasting Life. Psalm 19 (A034, A122, B020, B039, B127, C039, C128) (add lyrics)
9. Lord, You Will Show Us the Path of Life. Psalm 16 (A043) (add lyrics)
10. Lord, Your Love Is Eternal; Do Not Forsake the Work of Your Hands. Psalm 138 (A075) (add lyrics)
11. May God Bless Us in His Mercy. Psalm 67 (A011, B012, C012) (add lyrics)
12. May the Lord Bless Us All the Days of Our Lives. Psalm 128 (B086) (add lyrics)
13. My God, My God, Why Have You Abandoned Me? Psalm 22 (A117, B122, C123) (add lyrics)
14. My God, My God, Why Have You Abandoned Me? Psalm 22 (Chant - A024, B029, C029) (add lyrics)
15. My God, My God, Why Have You Abandoned Me? Psalm 22 (Through-Composed - A024, B029, C029) (add lyrics)
16. My Soul Is Thirsting for You, O Lord My God. Psalm 63 (A076, C071) (add lyrics)
17. My Soul Is Thirsting for You, O Lord My God. Psalm 63 (A125, B130, C131) (add lyrics)
18. My Soul Is Thirsting for You, O Lord My God. Psalm 63 (A086) (add lyrics)
19. My Soul Rejoices in My God. Luke 1 (B003) (add lyrics)
20. O Bless the Lord, My Soul. Psalm 104 (C016) (add lyrics)
21. O God, Let All the Nations Praise You! Psalm 67 (Chant - A074, C051) (add lyrics)
22. O God, Let All the Nations Praise You! Psalm 67 (Through-Composed - A074, C051) (add lyrics)
23. O Lord, Our God, How Wonderful Your Name in All the Earth! Psalm 8 (C057) (add lyrics)
24. Our Blessing-Cup Is a Communion with the Blood of Christ. Psalm 116 (A026, B031, C031) (add lyrics)
25. Our Eyes Are Fixed on the Lord, Pleading for His Mercy. Psalm 123 (B073) (add lyrics)
26. Our Help Is from the Lord, Who Made Heaven and Earth. Psalm 121 (C089) (add lyrics)
27. Out of the Depths I Cry to You, O Lord. Psalm 130 (A110, B115, C116) (add lyrics)
28. Praise the Lord, Jerusalem. Psalm 147 (A053) (add lyrics)
29. Praise the Lord, My Soul! Psalm 146 (C086) (add lyrics)
30. Praise the Lord, My Soul! Psalm 146 (B082) (add lyrics)
31. Praise the Lord, My Soul! Psalm 146 (B091) (add lyrics)

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