Lectionary Psalms, Vol. 6 by William Ferris Chorale

Year: 2013
Label: World Library Publications
1. | | The Lord Is Kind and Merciful. Psalm 103 (B067) (add lyrics) |
2. | | The Lord Is Kind and Merciful. Psalm 103 (A061) (add lyrics) |
3. | | The Lord Is King, The Most High over All the Earth. Psalm 97 (C053) (add lyrics) |
4. | | The Lord Is King, The Most High over All the Earth. Psalm 97 (A096, B101, C102) (add lyrics) |
5. | | The Lord Is King; He Is Robed in Majesty. Psalm 93 (B093) (add lyrics) |
6. | | The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation. Psalm 27 (C019) (add lyrics) |
7. | | The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation. Psalm 27 (A107, B112, C113) (add lyrics) |
8. | | The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation. Psalm 27 (A123, B128, C129) (add lyrics) |
9. | | The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation. Psalm 27 (A057) (add lyrics) |
10. | | The Lord Is My Shepherd; There Is Nothing I Shall Want. Psalm 23 (A019, B023, C023) (add lyrics) |
11. | | The Lord Is My Shepherd; There Is Nothing I Shall Want. Psalm 23 (C060) (add lyrics) |
12. | | The Lord Is My Shepherd; There Is Nothing I Shall Want. Psalm 23 (A101, B106, C107) (add lyrics) |
13. | | The Lord Is My Shepherd; There Is Nothing I Shall Want. Psalm 23 (A106, B111, C112) (add lyrics) |
14. | | The Lord Is My Shepherd; There Is Nothing I Shall Want. Psalm 23 (B075) (add lyrics) |
15. | | The Lord Is My Shepherd; There Is Nothing I Shall Want. Psalm 23 (A044) (add lyrics) |
16. | | The Lord Is My Shepherd; There Is Nothing I Shall Want. Psalm 23 (A088) (add lyrics) |
17. | | The Lord Is Near to All Who Call Upon Him. Psalm 145 (A079) (add lyrics) |
18. | | The Lord Remembers His Covenant for Ever. Psalm 105 (B011) (add lyrics) |
19. | | The Lord Upholds My Life. Psalm 54 (B084) (add lyrics) |
20. | | The Lord Will Bless His People with Peace. Psalm 29 (A014, B015, C015) (add lyrics) |
21. | | The Lord's Kindness Is Everlasting to Those Who Fear Him. Psalm 103 (A055) (add lyrics) |
22. | | The One Who Does Justice Will Live in the Presence of the Lord. Psalm 15 (B081) (add lyrics) |
23. | | The Precepts of the Lord Give Joy to the Heart. Psalm 19 (B085) (add lyrics) |
24. | | The Queen Stands at Your Right Hand, Arrayed in Gold. Psalm 45 (A098, B103, C104) (add lyrics) |
25. | | The Seed That Falls on Good Ground Will Yield a Fruitful Harvest. Psalm 65 (A069) (add lyrics) |
26. | | The Son of David Will Live for Ever. Psalm 89 (A090, B095, C096) (add lyrics) |
27. | | The Stone Rejected by the Builders Has Become the Cornerstone. Psalm 118 (B049) (add lyrics) |
28. | | The Vineyard of the Lord Is the House of Israel. Psalm 80 (A081) (add lyrics) |
29. | | The Waters of the River Gladden the City of God, The Holy Dwelling of the Most High. Psalm 46 (A102, B107, C108) (add lyrics) |
30. | | The Word of God Became Man and Lived Among Us. Psalm 147 (A012, B013, C013) (add lyrics) |
31. | | Their Message Goes out Through All the Earth. Psalm 19 (A094, B099, C100) (add lyrics) |
32. | | This Is the Day the Lord Has Made; Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad. Psalm 118 (A119, B124, C125) (add lyrics) |
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