Music by Bethel Church

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Bethel Church
Bethel Church is a charismatic, Pentecostal megachurch that was established in Redding, California as an Assemblies of God congregation in 1954, and has since grown to an estimated weekly attendance of over 3,000 people. The Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry was founded by the church in 1998.

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Albums by Bethel Church

Song Lyrics for Bethel Church

  1. A Little Longer by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson
  2. Ain't No Grave by Bethel Music, Molly Skaggs
  3. All Hail King Jesus by Bethel Music, Bethany Wohrle
  4. Alpha and Omega by Bethel Music, Peter Mattis, Sarah Sperber
  5. Always Good by Bethel Music, Hannah McClure
  6. Anchor by Bethel Music, Leah Mari
  7. Another in the Fire by Bethel Music, Bethany Wohrle
  8. Another Like You by Bethel Music, David Funk
  9. Anything Is Possible by Bethel Music, Dante Bowe
  10. Arrows (I Will Be With You) by Bethel Music, We The Kingdom
  11. Ascend by Bethel Music, William Matthews
  12. Back To Life by Bethel Music, Zahriya Zachary
  13. Battle Belongs by Bethel Music, Brian & Jenn Johnson
  14. Be Enthroned by Bethel Music, Jeremy Riddle
  15. Be Still by Bethel Music, Steffany Frizzell Gretzinger
  16. Beauty by Bethel Music, David Funk
  17. Better Than by Bethel Music, Jonathan David & Melissa Helser
  18. Breaking Through by Bethel Music, Jeremy Riddle
  19. Breathe by Bethel Music, Amanda Cook
  20. Breathe - Rest by Bethel Music, Cory Asbury
  21. Breathe Out Your Praise by Bethel Music, Paul McClure, Leeland Mooring
  22. By The Grace of God by Bethel Music, Brian Johnson
  23. Camino En Milagros by Bethel Music, Emmy Rose
  24. Catch The Wind by Bethel Music, Melissa Helser
  25. Center by Bethel Music, Abbie Gamboa
  26. Champion by Bethel Music, Dante Bowe
  27. Chasing You by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson
  28. Christ Is Risen by Bethel Music, Hunter GK Thompson
  29. Colors (Sponataneous) by Bethel Music, Brian Johnson, Lindsey Strand
  30. Come Awaken Love by Bethel Music, Hunter Thompson
  31. Come Out of That Grave by Bethel Music, Brandon Lake
  32. Come to Me by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson
  33. Come Up Here by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson
  34. Como No Voy a Creer by Bethel Music, Christine D'Clario, Edward Rivera
  35. Cornerstone by Bethel Music, Brittany Mondesir, Reuben Morgan
  36. Creere by Bethel Music, Jonathan David & Melissa Helser
  37. Donde Tu Vas by Bethel Music, Kristene DiMarco
  38. Drenched in Love by Bethel Music, Daniel Bashta, Harvest Bashta
  39. Egypt by Bethel Music, Cory Asbury
  40. El Es Senor (Espontaneo) by Bethel Music, Edward Rivera
  41. Endless Alleluia by Bethel Music, Cory Asbury
  42. Enviame by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson, Chris Quilala
  43. Even Though I Walk by Bethel Music, Hannah McClure
  44. Ever Be by Bethel Music, Kalley Heiligenthal
  45. Every Crown by Bethel Music, Kalley Heiligenthal
  46. Extravagant by Bethel Music, Steffany Gretzinger, Amanda Cook
  47. Faithful To The End by Bethel Music, Paul McClure, Hannah McClure
  48. For The Cross by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson, Brian Johnson
  49. For The One by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson
  50. For The Sake of The World by Bethel Live, Brian Johnson
  51. Forever by Bethel Music, Brian Johnson
  52. Forever Be Praised by Bethel Music, John Wilds
  53. Forever YHWH - Worthy of It All by Bethel Music, Tiffany Hudson
  54. Give Me Jesus by Bethel Music, Matt Stinton
  55. Gloria a Cristo by Bethel Music, Bethany Wohrle
  56. Glory To Glory by Bethel Music, William Matthews
  57. Goodness of God by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson
  58. Greatness of Your Glory by Bethel Music, Brian Johnson
  59. Have It All by Bethel Music, Brian Johnson, Lindsey Strand
  60. He Has Done Great Things by Bethel Music, Brian Johnson
  61. He's The One by Bethel Music, Emmy Rose
  62. Healer by Bethel Live, Leah Valenzuela
  63. Heaven Come by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson
  64. Heaven's Song by Bethel Music, Jeremy Riddle
  65. Himno De Los Cielos by Bethel Music, Brian Johnson, Zahriya Zachary
  66. Holy Forever by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson
  67. Holy Song by Bethel Music, Brooke Ligertwood
  68. Home by Bethel Music, Hunter Thompson
  69. Homecoming by Bethel Music, Cory Asbury, Gable Price
  70. Honesty by Bethel Music, Sydney Allen
  71. How Great A King by Bethel Music, Paul McClure, Hannah McClure
  72. Hymn of Heaven by Bethel Music, Brian Johnson, Zahriya Zachary
  73. I Am Your Beloved by Bethel Music, Jonathan David, Melissa Helser
  74. I Believe by Bethel Music, Jonathan David Helser, Melissa Helser
  75. I Belong To Jesus by Bethel Music, Paul McClure, Hannah McClure
  76. I Belong To You by Bethel Music, Amanda Cook
  77. I Can Feel You by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson
  78. I See the Light by Bethel Music, Kalley Heiligenthal
  79. I Still Believe by Bethel Music, Brian Johnson
  80. I Will Rise by Bethel Music, Kristene DiMarco
  81. I'll Be Everything by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson
  82. If The Lord (Live) by Bethel Music, Zahriya Zachary
  83. In Over My Head by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson
  84. In The Ordinary by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson, Michaela Gentile
  85. Inheritance by Bethel Music, Emmy Rose
  86. Isn't He Beautiful by Bethel Music, Brian Johnson
  87. It Is Well by Bethel Music, Kristene DiMarco
  88. Jesus Have It All by Bethel Music, Edward Rivera
  89. Jesus My King by Bethel Music, Zach Vestnys, Abby Vestnys
  90. Jesus You're Beautiful by Bethel Music, Kristene DiMarco
  91. Jesus, We Love You by Bethel Music, Paul McClure
  92. Joy of The Lord by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson
  93. King of My Heart by Bethel Music, Steffany Gretzinger, Jeremy Riddle
  94. La Tunica Y El Anillo (Bienvenidos) by Bethel Music, Aaron Moses, Edward Rivera, Naomi Raine
  95. Let My Life Be Worship by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson, Michaela Gentile
  96. Letting Go by Bethel Music, Steffany Frizzell Gretzinger
  97. Lift Up Holy Hands - He's Alive by Bethel Music, Hannah McClure, Noah Paul Harrison
  98. Lift Up Holy Hands/He's Alive by Bethel Music, Hannah McClure, Noah Paul Harrison
  99. Like A Flood by Bethel Music, Molly Skaggs
  100. Lion And The Lamb by Bethel Music, Leeland Mooring
  101. Living Hope by Bethel Music, Bethany Wohrle
  102. Mercy by Bethel Music, Amanda Cook
  103. Mighty Sound by Bethel Music, Brian & Jenn Johnson
  104. My Dear by Bethel Music, Hunter Thompson
  105. My Hallelujah by Bethel Music, Aodhan King, Hannah McClure
  106. My Hands Are Open by Bethel Music, Josh Baldwin
  107. Nearness by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson
  108. No Longer Slaves by Bethel Music, Jonathan David & Melissa Helser
  109. No One Like The Lord by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson
  110. Nothing Else by Bethel Music, Edward Rivera
  111. Oh What Love by Bethel Music, Paul McClure
  112. Old For New by Bethel Music, Hannah McClure
  113. On The Shores by Bethel Music, Jeremy Riddle, Steffany Gretzinger
  114. One by Bethel Music, Brian Johnson
  115. One Things Remains by Bethel Music, Bethel Music, Brian Johnson
  116. Our Jesus by Bethel Music, David Funk
  117. Our King Jesus (Holy) by Bethel Music, John Wilds, Bethany Wohrle
  118. Peace by Bethel Music, We The Kingdom
  119. Pertenezco a Cristo by Bethel Music, Paul McClure, Hannah McClure
  120. Pieces by Bethel Music, Steffany Gretzinger
  121. Praise Chorus by Bethel Music, Kristene DiMarco, Brian Johnson
  122. Praise Is The Highway by Bethel Music, Brian Johnson
  123. Praises by Bethel Music, Josh Baldwin
  124. Precious Blood by Bethel Music, Hannah McClure, Amanda Cook
  125. Prepare The Way by Bethel Music, Bethany Wohrle, Dante Bowe
  126. Probado by Bethel Music, Hannah McClure, Aaron Moses
  127. Promises Never Fail by Bethel Music, Emmy Rose
  128. Raise A Hallelujah by Bethel Music, Jonathan David & Melissa Helser
  129. Razones Para Adorar by Bethel Music, Edward Rivera, Naomi Raine
  130. Reason To Praise by Bethel Music, Cory Asbury, Naomi Raine
  131. Reckless Love by Bethel Music, Steffany Gretzinger
  132. Regreso a Casa by Bethel Music, Gable Price, Edward Rivera
  133. Reign Above It All by Bethel Music, Paul McClure
  134. Rest On Us by Housefires, Bethel Music, David Funk
  135. Revival's In The Air by Bethel Music, Melissa Helser
  136. Rey Por Siempre by Bethel Music, Josh Baldwin
  137. Ring and Robe (Welcome Home) by Bethel Music, Dante Bowe, Naomi Raine
  138. Seas of Crimson by Bethel Music, Brian Johnson
  139. Send Me by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson, Chris Quilala
  140. Shepherd by Bethel Music, Amanda Cook
  141. Shine On Us by Bethel Music, William Matthews
  142. Show Me Your Face by Bethel Music, John Wilds
  143. Simple by Bethel Music, Brian & Jenn Johnson
  144. Sing His Praise Again (Oh My Soul) by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson
  145. Son of God by Bethel Music, Cory Asbury
  146. Son of Suffering by Bethel Music, David Funk, Matt Redman
  147. Spirit Move by Bethel Music, Kalley Heiligenthal
  148. Stand In Awe by Bethel Music, Paul McClure, Hannah McClure
  149. Standing In Miracles by Bethel Music, Emmy Rose
  150. Starlight by Bethel Music, Amanda Cook
  151. Strong In Us by Bethel Music, Brian Johnson
  152. Sufrido Hijo De Dios by Bethel Music, David Funk
  153. Surrounded (Fight My Battles) by Bethel Music, Kari Jobe
  154. Surrounded By Holy by Bethel Music, Zahriya Zachary
  155. Tend by Bethel Music, Emmy Rose
  156. Thank You by Bethel Music, Jonathan David Helser
  157. The Blessing by Bethel Music, We The Kingdom
  158. The Blood by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson, Mitch Wong
  159. The Christ And Cornerstone by Bethel Music, Josh Baldwin
  160. The Great Beyond by Bethel Music, Brian Johnson, Amanda Cook
  161. The Lamb (Alleluia) by Bethel Music, John Wilds
  162. The Light in You by Bethel Music, We The Kingdom
  163. The War Is Over by Bethel Music, Kalley Heiligenthal
  164. There's No Other Name by Bethel Music, Francesca Battistelli
  165. Time And Time Again by Bethel Music, Josh Baldwin
  166. Too Good To Not Believe by Bethel Music, Brandon Lake
  167. Victory Is Yours by Bethel Music, Bethany Wohrle
  168. Vida Nueva by Bethel Music, Zahriya Zachary
  169. Way Maker by Bethel Music, Dante Bowe
  170. We Cry Holy by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson
  171. We Dance by Bethel Music, Steffany Frizzell Gretzinger
  172. We Praise You by Bethel Music, Brandon Lake
  173. We Step into Freedom by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson
  174. We Will Not Be Shaken by Bethel Music, Brian Johnson
  175. Weathered by Bethel Music, Dante Bowe, Hannah McClure
  176. When You Walk Into the Room by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson, David Funk
  177. Where You Are by Bethel Music, Leeland Mooring
  178. Wherever You Lead by Bethel Music, Kristene DiMarco
  179. Who Can Compare to You by Bethel Music, Matt Stinton
  180. Wonder by Bethel Music, Amanda Cook
  181. You Are My One Thing by Bethel Music, Hannah McClure
  182. You Came by Bethel Music, Amanda Cook
  183. You Don't Miss A Thing by Bethel Music, Amanda Cook
  184. You Make Me Brave by Bethel Music, Amanda Cook
  185. You Make Me Happy by Bethel Live, Jenn Johnson

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