Album: Louder Than Ever
God say, "if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves an pray then will I hear from heaven and heal the land." And we have prayed and right now the bible says life and death is in the power of the tongue and we have to speak to some dead situation, some dry bone that they may live again.
I prophesy a righteous revolution is coming to this country yea, I prophesy things will never ever be the same again (repeat)
I prophesy that the destiny of this nation Is in the hands of Almighty God The God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ The creator and possessor of heaven and earth prophesy the Jesus Christ is Lord is over this land
And that the mighty angels of the living God are strategically positioned In the north, in the south, in the east and in the west of this nation To defend and protect it From all evil forces, the strongholds and principalities and powers Shall be subdued as the ministering spirits of God take on the opposition In the very atmosphere above and surrounding this nation
I prophesy transformation to the inner cities
and depressed communities of this country the poor and down-trodden shall be uplifted the weak and defenseless shall be blessed and they shall know the love and peace of God that shall sustain them I prophesy comfort and protection over our children Strength and empowerment for our women Confidence and backbone for our men Guidance and deliverance for our youth Security and well-being for the elderly I prophesy Lord throw your power over this nation And let it be known, I say let it be known That you are God echo)say only you alone are God Jesus
I prophesy that righteousness shall exalt this nation Violence shall no longer be heard in our land Nor waste or destruction in our streets I prophesy peace in our communities (peace) Peace in our home (peace) Peace in our schools (peace) Love and unity in our churches Harmony among our government leaders and justice and Salvation, love and truth to everyone in this land
I prophesy that anointed ministered of the living God shall be raised up all over this land
The apostles shall be raised up (rise up) The pastors shall be raised up (rise up) The psalmist and worshippers shall explode with true worship unto God Almighty And this land shall be saturated by the holy and awesome presence of Almighty God And the fear of God shall increase all over this nation. Hallelujah ey,
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I pray this song will become the anthem of the world and be heard in all 4 corners of the earth. In JESUS name I pray. Amen - Jan 2022