You'll Find Him There by Ernie Haase & Signature Sound

Song Lyrics

You'll Find Him There
by Ernie Haase & Signature Sound

Album: Live In Memphis

Verse One:
Go out, Elijah, out to the mountain
Wait for the Lord to pass by
Go out, Elijah, The Lord, He will bless thee
He's heard your desperate cry

Chorus One:
There was a wind, a mighty wind
But no, He wasn't in the wind
There was a fire, a blazing fire
But no, He wasn't in the fire
There was a big earthquake
Moving under his feet
And though the ground did shake
Still the Lord he did not see
He heard a still small voice
that gently filled the air
He found Him there, he found Him there.

Verse Two:
Go out, oh children, out to the mountain
Wait for the Lord to pass by
Go out, oh children, The Lord, He will bless thee
He's heard your desperate cry

Chorus Two:
There'll be a wind, a mighty wind
But no, he won't be in the wind
There'll be a fire, a blazing fire,
But no, he won't be in the fire
There'll be a big earthquake
Moving under your feet
And though the ground will shake
Still the Lord you will not see
You'll hear a still small voice
That gently fills the air
You'll find him there, Oh, you'll find him there.

(Repeat Chorus Two)

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