Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring by Lamar Campbell

Song Lyrics

Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
by Lamar Campbell

Album: When I Think About You

Jesus, Joy of man's desiring
Holy wisdom Love most bright, oh
Jesu, Joy of man's desiring
Holy wisdom Love most bright
Drawn by Thee our sols aspiring
Soar to uncreated light

Word of God or flesh that fashioned
With the dawn of redeeming passion
Striving still to truths unknown
Soaring dying around the throne

Jesus, I love to call Your name
Oh, Jesus
Oh, Jesus, there's nobody like You
Oh, Jesus
You're my best friend in the world
I love You, Lord,
Yes I do
Yo're my joy when I'm down
You pick me up, You're there
You're always around
I love the name
I praise the name
I adore the name, Jesus
The more I call You
The better I feel, Jesus

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