Album: Christmas
Long we trusted
Our deliverer would come
Promised by the prophets
A savior, God's son
Through the silence of centuries
We waited for him
To be born of a virgin
In Bethlehem
Come and see
What our God has done
Come and hear
The angel's song
Glory in the highest
Every promise
Made true
And there in a manger
Was our living proof
Praise to the father
For his unending love
This Christmas
We remember
The gift of his son
From the manger to the cross
From the cross to the tomb
To the resurrected Jesus
He's our living proof
Oh, come and see
What our God has done
Come and hear
The angels song
Glory in the highest
Every promise
Made true
In the resurrected Jesus
He's our living proof
Long we have waited
For the promised return
Made by the messiah
By the spirit and the word
Coming on the clouds
Soon and very soon
In our savior, king Jesus
He's our living proof
Oh come and see
What our God has done
Oh come and hear
The angels song
Holy, holy, holy
Every promise is true
In our savior, king Jesus
He's our living proof
In our savior, king Jesus
He's our living proof
He's our living proof
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