Your Walk Talks by Mark Trammell Quartet

Song Lyrics

Your Walk Talks
by Mark Trammell Quartet

Album: Your Walk Talks

There's an account we read about the Pharisees in the Bible days way back when
How they criticized the Lord Jesus Christ for eating with sinful men
Jesus turned to say Love is the only way
so let your actions speak louder than your words
Though the years have passed this truth will last
a lesson that we all could learn.

You know, your walk talks, and your talk talks
But your walk talks louder than your talk talks
Your behavior toward your neighbor
Is really how you feel about the Savior
When you exemplify and shine the Light of Christ
You know the number in the kingdom will be multiplied.
Yes, your walk talks, and your talk talks,
But your walk talks louder than your talk talks.

What did you do today to give your love away
To a lost and hurting soul?
Did you lend a hand to a fellow man
And help him on down the road?
When you illuminate it takes the dark away
So let your little light shine
When we follow through with what we say and do
The Father will be glorified.

You know, your walk talks, and your talk talks
But your walk talks louder than your talk talks
Your behavior toward your neighbor
Is really how you feel about the Savior
When you exemplify and shine the Light of Christ
You know the number in the kingdom will be multiplied
Yes, your walk talks, and your talk talks,
But your walk talks louder than your talk talks.

Do those things that Christ would do be loving, kind and caring
Preach the gospel to all men; use words when necessary.

You know, your walk talks, and your talk talks
But your walk talks louder than your talk talks
Your behavior toward your neighbor
Is really how you feel about the Savior
When you exemplify and shine the Light of Christ
You know the number in the kingdom will be multiplied
Yes, your walk talks, and your talk talks,
But your walk talks louder than your talk talks.

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This song gives my heart power... I am not a vocal Christian. I work at a public school and it's not encouraged. But the students know I'm a Christian, and I believe it's because my walk talks. - Sep 2019

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