Album: For the Love of the Sea, Vol. 1
To bear
To bear this weight
I ll wear
Your burdens great
You say it's a heavy load
But that s how this love thing goes
To bear
To bear these arms
Our weapons of choice
Pierce straight through the heart
We could set them down ya know
Well you first then I'll go
The storm at sea
The anchor deep
You and me
We're heavy and light
Morning and night
The sweetest wear and tear
To love is to bear
To bare
To bare your soul
I can only see as much as you show
If you let me see straight on through
I swear it won t change how I look at you
The storm at sea
The anchor deep
You and me
We re heavy and light
Morning and night
The sweetest wear and tear
To love is to bear
I couldn't bear it if you left my side
Even if we barely make it out alive
Don t you dare leave my side
Don't you see I bear the cold
Just to need your warmth
Oh yes I d bear it all
The storm at sea
The anchor deep
You and me
We're heavy and light
Morning and night
The bravest thing we dare
To love is to bear
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