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Daily Verse

Luke 9:20
September 20, 2024

Luke 9:20

The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse
are written by Phil Ware —

Luke 9:20 NIV

"But what about you?" [Jesus asked his disciples]. "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "The Christ of God."

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Verse Thoughts

Many people had and still have widely varying opinions about Jesus' identity. The real issue, however, is what YOU believe about Jesus and who Jesus reveals himself to be. What you decide about the identity of Jesus as God's Son, the LORD and Christ, the Messiah of Israel, means everything for you (Romans 10:9-13) and those you seek to influence. So, please listen again to Jesus' question to his disciples as if he is asking it of you: "Who do you say I am?" I pray that your answer is the same as Peter's: "The Christ (the Messiah) of God."

Verse Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for Jesus, who is my LORD (Philippians 2:10-11), Savior (John 4:42), friend (John 4:14-15), and older brother (Hebrews 2:11, 14) in your family. I praise you for sending him to reveal yourself to us. I thank you for demonstrating your love for us through his death, burial, and resurrection. I do believe that Jesus is the Christ, your chosen Messiah, the Son of the Living God, and the only Savior who can bring freedom, pardon, cleansing, and complete salvation. Thank you! In Jesus' mighty name, I pray. Amen.

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