Pentecost Songs by Cardiphonia Music

Year: 2011
Label: Cardiphonia Music
1. | | Come, Holy Spirit, Come (add lyrics) - Hiram Ring |
2. | | Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord (add lyrics) - Nathan Partain |
3. | | Almight Comforter (add lyrics) - Wen Reagan |
4. | | Come, Holy Ghost (add lyrics) - Bruce Benedict |
5. | | Almighty Comforter (add lyrics) - Jered McKenna |
6. | | Away With Our Fears (add lyrics) - Zac Hicks |
7. | | Did I Not Plead Above (add lyrics) - Brian T Murphy |
8. | | Holy Ghost (add lyrics) - Melanie Penn, Steve Elliot |
9. | | No Longer Visible (add lyrics) - Clint Wells |
10. | | Breathe on Me (add lyrics) - Michael Van Patter |
11. | | Holy Spirit, Light Divine (add lyrics) - Anne-Marie Strohman |
12. | | Come Down O Love Divine (add lyrics) - Luke Brodine |
13. | | Breathe on Me (add lyrics) - Cameron Gray |
14. | | Glossolalia (add lyrics) - Greg Scheer |
15. | | O Holy Spirit, Come! (add lyrics) - Greg Scheer |
16. | | Great Comforter, Descend (add lyrics) - Michael Van Patter |
17. | | Jesus, We on the Word Depend (add lyrics) - Jered Mckenna |
18. | | Spirit I Wish I Knew Your Name (add lyrics) - Rick Jensen |
19. | | Hymn to the Holy Spirit (add lyrics) - Gina Tuck |
20. | | Come, Holy Spirit, Come (add lyrics) - Luke Morton |
21. | | Come, Thou Everlasting Spirit (add lyrics) - Bruce Benedict |
22. | | Holy Spirit, Come (add lyrics) - Wendell Kimbrough |
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