Third Edition - Volume 15 by Journeysongs

Album Details

Third Edition - Volume 15
by Journeysongs

Year: 2012
Label: OCP

1. The King of Glory (add lyrics) - Willard F. Jabusch, Randall DeBruyn
2. Alma Redemptoris Mater (add lyrics) - Hermannus Contractus, Jean-Herbert Desrocquettes OSB, Theodore M. Marier
3. Sing of Mary (add lyrics) - Roland F. Palmer SJE, Ralph Vaughan Williams
4. Let It Be Done to Us (add lyrics) - Bob Hurd, William Gokelman, Rick Modlin
5. Mary's Song (add lyrics) - Sr. Anne Carter
6. Sing We of the Blessed Mother (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir
7. Pilgrim Prayer (add lyrics) - Pia Moriarty, Rick Modlin
8. Mary, Woman of the Promise (add lyrics) - Sir Edward Elgar, Mary Frances Fleischaker
9. There Is Nothing Told (add lyrics) - Christpher Willcock
10. On This Day, O Beautiful Mother (add lyrics) - Louis Lambillotte, S.J.
11. Mary's Song (add lyrics) - Millie Rieth, Randall DeBruyn, Marie Phillippi
12. Hail Mary: Gentle Woman (add lyrics) - Carey Landry, Jeffrey Honor, Tom Kendzia
13. Song of Mary (add lyrics) - Dan Schutte
14. Ave Maria (add lyrics) - Gregory Norbet
15. O Sanctissima (add lyrics) - Harry Hagan OSB, Randall DeBruyn
16. Salve, Regina (add lyrics) - Hermannus Contractus, Liber Cantualis, Randall DeBruyn, Paul F. Ford
17. Ave Maria (add lyrics) - Paul F. Ford
18. Holy Is His Name (add lyrics) - John Michael Talbot, Rick Modlin, Phil Perkins
19. In His Temple Now Behold Him (add lyrics) - John F. Wade, Henry J. Pye, William Cooke, Randall DeBruyn
20. Holy Patron, Thee Saluting (add lyrics) - Christian Lyre, Ralph Vaughan Williams
21. Come Now, And Praise the Humble Saint (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir
22. A Just Man Honored from Above (add lyrics) - Genevieve Glen OSB
23. Praise We the Lord This Day (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir
24. The God Whom Earth and Sea and Sky (add lyrics) - Johann Hermann Schein, Venantius Honorius Fortunatus, Johann Sebastian Bach, Randall DeBruyn, John M. Neale
25. The Great Forerunner of the Morn (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir
26. Two Noble Saints (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir
27. Transfiguration (add lyrics) - Ricky Manalo, CSP, Brian A. Wren, Gerard Chiusano
28. 'Tis Good, Lord, To Be Here (add lyrics) - Joseph A. Robinson
29. Hail, Holy Queen (add lyrics) - Melchior Ludwig Herold, Randall DeBruyn
30. Bright as the Sun, Fair as the Moon (add lyrics) - Genevieve Glen OSB
31. Lift High the Cross (add lyrics) - Sydney H. Nicholson

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