Third Edition - Volume 18 by Journeysongs
Year: 2012
Label: OCP
1. | | Song of Farewell (add lyrics) - Ernest Sands |
2. | | Give Me Jesus (add lyrics) - James Hansen, Robert A. Hawthorne |
3. | | May the Angels Be Your Guide (add lyrics) - Michele MacAller, Kathleen McGrath |
4. | | I Know That My Redeemer Lives (add lyrics) - Scott Soper |
5. | | The Lord Is My Light (add lyrics) - Christopher Walker |
6. | | Parable (add lyrics) - M.D. Ridge |
7. | | Keep in Mind (add lyrics) - Lucien Deiss, CSSp |
8. | | Song of Farewell (add lyrics) - Grayson Warren Brown, Val Parker, Rick Modlin |
9. | | Go in Peace (add lyrics) - Sarah Hart, Dwight Liles |
10. | | Yes, I Shall Arise (add lyrics) - Owen Alstott, Craig Kingsbury |
11. | | O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts (add lyrics) - Bernard of Clairvaux, Randall DeBruyn, Ray Palmer |
12. | | O Salutaris Hostia (add lyrics) - OCP Session Choir |
13. | | O Saving Victim (O Saving Lamb) (add lyrics) - Tom Booth, St. Thomas Aquinas, Edward Caswall |
14. | | Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (add lyrics) - Robert E. Kreutz |
15. | | God, We Praise You (add lyrics) - Christopher Idle |
16. | | O Bless the Lord (add lyrics) - John Michaels |
17. | | From All That Dwell Below the Skies (Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow) (add lyrics) - Louis Bourgeois |
18. | | All People That on Earth Do Dwell (add lyrics) - Louis Bourgeois, William Kethe, Randall DeBruyn |
19. | | Come, Christians, Join to Sing (add lyrics) - Christian H. Bateman, Randall DeBruyn |
20. | | Blessed by Your Sacrifice (add lyrics) - Owen Alstott, Sr. Jeanne Frolick SFCC, Robert E. Kreutz |
21. | | All the Ends of the Earth (add lyrics) - Bob Dufford, S.J. |
22. | | Glory and Praise to Our God (add lyrics) - Dan Schutte, Jeffrey Honore |
23. | | Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You (add lyrics) - Ludwig van Beethoven, Susan Adams, Henry Van Dyke, Edward Hodges |
24. | | O Bless the Lord, My Soul (add lyrics) - Aaron Williams, James Montgomery |
25. | | We Praise You, O God (add lyrics) - Peter Jones |
26. | | All Creatures of Our God and King (add lyrics) - St. Francis of Assis, William H. Draperi, Robert E. Kreutz |
27. | | We Praise You (add lyrics) - Darryl Ducote, Gary Daigle, Mike Balhoff |
28. | | Sing to the Mountains (add lyrics) - Bob Dufford, S.J., Jeffrey Honore |
29. | | You Alone (add lyrics) - Sarah Hart, Dwight Liles |
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