One Heart by Dave Bilbrough

Song Lyrics

Everybody Sing by Dave Bilbrough

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One Heart
by Dave Bilbrough

Album: Everybody Sing

One heart, one spirit
We are called by God
To reach out and serve one another
In the Father's love.
We've started a journey
And the road may be long;
We won't be distracted
Till the work is all done.
We'll follow His leading,
We'll do what He asks,
'Cause we're moving forward,
Not back to the past.
The way may be costly,
The price will be great;
We're going the distance,
Whatever it takes.
It won't be easy, there'll be
Times we're confused;
But when we stand together
His love will shine through.
We are marching to the sound
Of a different drum.

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This song is very nice n feel of teaching, the message is perfect. I real love the song - Sep 2014

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