Day Three by LordSong

Song Lyrics

Day Three by Lordsong

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Day Three
by LordSong

Album: Day Three

Verse 1
Day one they found Him guilty and sentenced Him to die
When the crowd had heard the news they shouted crucify
Crowned with thorns they mocked His name and nailed Him to a cross
He hung there til His dying breath
Day one all hope was lost

Verse 2
Day two, it's still and quiet the crowds had all gone home
His broken body in the tomb sealed with the soldiers stone
Believers who had followed Him weep and question why
Seeds of doubt and fear take hold
Day two disciples hide

Verse 3
Day three His body's missing the stone was rolled away
And angel of the Lord appeared when the women came
Trembling out of fear and joy amazed at what they find
They quickly run to spread the word
Day three He is alive

Day one that hill ran crimson red, with blood to cleanse all sin
Day two reminds us to keep the faith, when the doubts set in
What a difference one day makes, from death to victory
The cross became an empty grave, On day three

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