Traditional Hymns, Vol. 8 by John Keys

Album Details

Traditional Hymns, Vol. 8
by John Keys

Year: 2008
Label: John Keys

Tags: instrumental, organ

1. In Heavenly Love Abiding - Penlan (add lyrics)
2. It Is a Thing Most Wonderful, Herongate (add lyrics)
3. Jesus Calls Us O'Er the Tumult - St Andrew (add lyrics)
4. Lord Jesus Christ - Living Lord (add lyrics)
5. Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory - Battle Hymn (add lyrics)
6. Now the Green Blade Riseth - Noel Nouvelet (add lyrics)
7. O God of Bethel By Whose Hand - Martyrdom (add lyrics)
8. O Lord My God - How Great Thou Art (add lyrics)
9. O Love How Deep How Broad How High - Eisenach (add lyrics)
10. O Love That Will Not Let Me Go - St Margaret (add lyrics)
11. On a Hill Far Away - the Old Rugged Cross (add lyrics)
12. Rejoice O Land in God Thy Might - Wareham (add lyrics)
13. Round Me Falls the Night - Seelenbrautigam (add lyrics)
14. Saviour Again to Thy Dear Name - Ellers (add lyrics)
15. Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God - Seek Ye First (add lyrics)
16. Sing My Tongue of Warfare Ended - Mannheim (add lyrics)
17. Strengthen for Service Lord the Hands - Ach Gott Und Herr (add lyrics)
18. This Joyful Eastertide - Vreuchten (add lyrics)
19. Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne - Margaret (add lyrics)
20. Thou Whom Shepherds Worshipped - Quem Pastores (add lyrics)
21. Through All the Changing Scenes of Life - Wiltshire (add lyrics)
22. To God Be the Glory - Great Things (add lyrics)
23. To Thee O Lord Our Hearts We Raise - Golden Sheaves (add lyrics)
24. Were You There When They Crucified My Lord - Were You There (add lyrics)
25. What a Friend We Have in Jesus - Converse (add lyrics)

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