Lectionary Psalms, Vol. 5 by William Ferris Chorale

Year: 2013
Label: World Library Publications
1. | | Praise the Lord, Who Heals the Brokenhearted. Psalm 147 (B064) (add lyrics) |
2. | | Praise the Lord Who Lifts up the Poor. Psalm 113 (C085) (add lyrics) |
3. | | Proclaim His Marvelous Deeds to All the Nations. Psalm 96 (C061) (add lyrics) |
4. | | Remember Your Mercies, O Lord. Psalm 25 (A080) (add lyrics) |
5. | | Rest in God Alone, My Soul. Psalm 62 (A062) (add lyrics) |
6. | | Since My Mother's Womb, You Have Been My Strength. Psalm 71 (A092, B097, C098) (add lyrics) |
7. | | Sing to the Lord a New Song, For He Has Done Marvelous Deeds. Psalm 98 (A103, B108, C109) (add lyrics) |
8. | | Sing with Joy to God Our Help. Psalm 81 (B068) (add lyrics) |
9. | | Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord. Psalm 34 (Version 1 - C022) (add lyrics) |
10. | | Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord. Psalm 34 (Version 2 - A124, B129, C130) (add lyrics) |
11. | | Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord. Psalm 34 (Version 3 - B078) (add lyrics) |
12. | | Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord. Psalm 34 (Version 4 - B079) (add lyrics) |
13. | | Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord. Psalm 34 (Version 5- B080) (add lyrics) |
14. | | Teach Me Your Ways, O Lord. Psalm 25 (B062) (add lyrics) |
15. | | The Angel of the Lord Will Rescue Those Who Fear Him. Psalm 34 (A095, B100, C101) (add lyrics) |
16. | | The Earth Is Full of the Goodness of the Lord. Psalm 33 (A029, B034, C034) (add lyrics) |
17. | | The Hand of the Lord Feeds Us; He Answers All Our Needs. Psalm 145 (Version 1 - B076) (add lyrics) |
18. | | The Hand of the Lord Feeds Us; He Answers All Our Needs. Psalm 145 (Version 2 - A072) (add lyrics) |
19. | | The Just Man Is a Light in Darkness to the Upright. Psalm 112 (A059) (add lyrics) |
20. | | The Lord Comes to Rule the Earth with Justice. Psalm 98 (C093) (add lyrics) |
21. | | The Lord Gave Them Bread from Heaven. Psalm 78 (B077) (add lyrics) |
22. | | The Lord Has Done Great Things for Us; We Are Filled with Joy. Psalm 126 (B089, C002, C024) (add lyrics) |
23. | | The Lord Has Revealed to the Nations His Saving Power. Psalm 98 (C088) (add lyrics) |
24. | | The Lord Has Revealed to the Nations His Saving Power. Psalm 98 (B051) (add lyrics) |
25. | | The Lord Has Set His Throne in Heaven. Psalm 103 (B053) (add lyrics) |
26. | | The Lord Hears the Cry of the Poor. Psalm 34 (C090) (add lyrics) |
27. | | The Lord Is Kind and Merciful, Slow to Anger, And Rich in Compassion. Psalm 103 (A078) (add lyrics) |
28. | | The Lord Is Kind and Merciful. Psalm 103 (C020) (add lyrics) |
29. | | The Lord Is Kind and Merciful. Psalm 103 (C066) (add lyrics) |
30. | | The Lord Is Kind and Merciful. Psalm 103 (A108, B113, C114) (add lyrics) |
31. | | The Lord Is Kind and Merciful. Psalm 103 (A128, B133, C134) (add lyrics) |
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